More information on He Will Give You Another Helper
Hickey, Marilyn
More information on Healing Epidemic
Peter Masters
More information on Holy Spirit
You may have heard a lot about the Holy Spirit? or very little. Christians and churches seem divided over this issue. Some are always talking about gifts of the Spirit, baptism of the Spirit, Spirit-filled people and so on. In other circles, the Spirit seems to be rarely mentioned. There are plen... (more)
More information on Holy Spirit
Moule, C.F.D
More information on Holy Spirit
John Owen
The fraud and manipulation, which abounds in the church under the pretence that it is the work of the Holy Spirit, make this book required reading. Things excellent in themselves and acknowledged by all Christians are often counterfeited; the more worthy any thing is, the more destructive is the abu... (more)
More information on Holy Spirit : Works And Gifts
Donald Bloesch
More information on Holy Spirit And The Bible, The
Brown, Paul
The Spirit's interpreting role in relation to Biblical Hermeneutics. In recent decades, two seemingly unconnected issues have been become prominent in the Christian world. In theological circles, hermeneutics, the theory of interpretations, at a popular level, a renewed interest in the person and w... (more)