More information on Basic Dictionary of Bible People, A
Julien Chilcott-Monk
Bible people are included here by their main groupings: prophets, kings, patriarchs, judges, apostles, the friends of Jesus, figures in the early church, people whom Jesus healed, children in the Bible, and the unnamed figures - like the woman at the well or the rich young ruler - who recieved a spe... (more)
More information on Bible Dictionary
G Douglas Young
Young's Bible Dictionary offers concise and clear information on all the major people, places, objects, events, key words in the Bible, and theological terms. Designed to be used alongside all major Bible translations, this tool is highly rated for scholarship and clarity by Biblical Archaeological ... (more)
More information on Biographical Dictionary of Christian Theologians
Discover essential information on over 450 theologians from antiquity through the 20th century. Articles include biographical details and summaries of major writings and contributions. Particularly helpful are bibliographies that list the most important editions of primary works and secondary materi... (more)