More information on Revolutions in Worldview: Understanding the Flow of Western Thought
W. Andrew Hoffecker
Revolutions in Worldview: Understanding the Flow of Western Thought traces the historical development of the Western mind through ten eras. It explores the fundamental ideas that revolutionized the way in which people thought and acted from the ancient Greeks and the biblical writers through the Med... (more)
More information on Shots In The Dark-The Sniper, The Suburbs And The Things We Value Most
Ward, M
In the early weeks of October, 2002, the Washington, DC area was terrorized by a sniper who took the lives of eleven civilians. What made the shootings most frightening was the indiscriminate targeting of the victims; no one felt safe from the threat. It seemed as though the sniper was targeting... (more)
More information on God, Humans And Animals
Wennberg, R.N.
This is a book about animals and the moral life. The kinds of questions it raises are profound and consequential: Do animals have moral standing? Do human beings have moral obligations to animals? If so, how extensive and weighty are those obligations? Robert Wennberg finds it troubling that society... (more)
More information on Adult AD/HD: A guide to Adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Whiteman, Thomas / Petersen, Randy
WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU ANYWAY? Why don’t you think before you act? Are you even listening? Can’t you just relax and take it easy? These are the kinds of comments and criticisms that adults with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder hear again and again. So what’s the problem? The truth is... (more)
More information on American Spiritual Culture
William Dean
Americans are perhaps the most openly and energetically religious of all the peoples among the developed nations. Americans are religious in all the obvious ways, belonging to churches, synagogues and mosques as well as nurturing private spiritualities. But they are religious also in public ways, ai... (more)
More information on Still Bored In A Culture Of Entertainment
Winter, Richard
Richard Winter uses the latest historical, physiological and psychological research to probe the nature, causes and effects of boredom. He explores why some people are more likely to get bored than others, the indifference and the loss of meaning among youth, the attraction of extreme sports, how ad... (more)