More information on Naked And Not Ashamed
T D Jakes
More information on Coping With Chemotherapy
Terry Priestman
More than one in three people in the UK will be diagnosed with cancer during their lives, making chemotherapy one of the most widely used forms of treatment today. Offering support for those undergoing this common cancer treatment, this book explains what the treatment is, how the drugs work, and di... (more)
More information on Coping with Breast Cancer
Terry Priestman
Coronary heart disease is the biggest single killer of women in the UK and US. In the UK, one in six women dies from this condition, which also kills around 250,000 women a year in the US. The WHO predicts that by 2020, global female deaths from CHD will total around 5.5 million. Yet, it is still co... (more)
More information on Coping With Radiotherapy
Terry Priestman
Placing radiotherapy within the context of overall cancer treatment, this book looks at side effects, everyday life, social life, travel, and looks at exercise and diet that may be helpful.
More information on The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book
Tessa Buckley
Increasing numbers of people with multiple sclerosis are taking more responsibility for their health as evidence grows that diet plays a key role in this condition. Many of those with MS are finding that the time and trouble taken in preparing a healthy diet is amply repaid by the improvement in the... (more)
More information on In Age Reborn, By Grace Sustained
Thelma-Anne McLeod
This is the fourth volume in the series providing a historical record of all the bishops in the Anglican Church of Canada. This newest volume includes a formal photograph and summarizes positions, education, service, ordinations, elections, and appointments of bishops in the Canadian Church from 197... (more)
More information on The Depression Diet
Theresa Cheung
Most mental health experts now recognise that what you eat plays a major role in good mental health, and there is increasing concern about the role of poor diet in causing depression. Forecast by the WHO to become the world's second leading cause of death by 2020, depression affects 15.5 million in ... (more)
More information on Coping with Age Related Memory Loss
Tom Smith
Mild memory loss is extremely common as we age. This 'forgetfulness over 40' isn't to be confused with Alzheimer's. While ageing can be a factor, however, other things can cause your memory to let you down, including stress, depression, illness and some prescription medications. This book describes ... (more)
More information on Touched by Resurrection Love: Finding Hope Beyond Our Tears
Trevor Hudson
Tears represent the beginning of healing and transformation in our lives. They clear the dust from our eyes and help us to see things differently. Our tears make us receptive to the presence of angles and surprising resurrection encounters. It happened for Mary Magdalene when she met Jesus on Easter... (more)