More information on Return from Exile (Smart Guide to the Bible)
Larry Richards / Daymond Duck
Today's headlines were written over 2,500 years ago when the Hebrews began their return to their Promised Land-the future nation of Israel. God used history-makers Ezra and Nehemiah and prophets Haggai and Zechariah to bring about His perfect plan of restoration. This Smart Guide takes the reader on... (more)
More information on The Book of Matthew (Smart Guide to the Bible)
Larry Richards / Dewey Bertolini / Rebecca Bertolini
This First New Testament Book Gives You an Up-Close Look at the Savior of the World What did the arrival of the promised Messiah mean for the Jews of Matthew's day? What does it mean for you today? The Smart Guide to the Bible: The Book of Matthew gives you valuable insights into Christ's life an... (more)
More information on Nutrition & Health in the Bible (Smart Guide to the Bible)
Larry Richards / Kathleen O'Bannon
Discover the World's Most Proven Health Plan You want to be healthy, but all those diet fads have left you hungry for something more. There's one Plan for healthy living that's guaranteed to satisfy and that's God's plan! With The Smart Guide to the Bible: Nutrition and Health in the Bible you'l... (more)
More information on Joshua, Judges & Ruth (Smart Guide to the Bible)
Larry Richards / Rebecca Bertolini
Learn about the impact-good and bad-of Israel's leaders after Moses' death Understand the radiant role of Ruth in the midst of the new nation's struggles Discover how this ancient-and unparalleled-time in the Middle East touches your life today
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Larsen, D & S
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Larsen, D & S