More information on Challenging Richard Dawkins: Is Richard Dawkins right about God?
Kathleen Jones
What's wrong with the world? And whose fault is it? In The God Delusion and other books, Richard Dawkins argues that war, terrorism and other atrocities are caused by religion. Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs are all deluded, maintaining 'false the face of strong ... (more)
More information on The Big Questions in Science and Religion
Keith Ward
Can religious beliefs survive in the scientific age? Are they resoundingly outdated? Or is there something in them of great importance, even if the way they are expressed will have to change in the new scientific context? These questions are among those at the core of the sciencereligion dialogue. ... (more)
More information on The Lie: Evolution
Ken Ham
More information on 101 Signs Of Design - Timeless Truths From Genesis
Ken Ham
This book is a concise and unique blend of quotes, explanations, and examples refuting evolution and promoting creation taken from the writings of Ken Ham. Part of a set of four books comprising a gift set.
More information on The New Answers Book 2
Ken Ham
What happens when you have more hot questions on the Bible and creationism than you can answer in one book? You create a second volume! The New Answers Book: Volume 2 explores 21 exciting and faith-affirming topics, including: The fall of Lucifer and the origin of evil. When does life begin (and why... (more)
More information on One Blood: The Biblical Answer to Racism
Ken Ham / Carl Wieland
This popularly written book aims to show that both the Bible and science agree on the origins of human beings as a single race. Variation within each species by natural selection is well explained, and this chapter (as others) would make a good basis for any young people's study group.
More information on Responding to the Challenge of Evolution
Kevin Logan
A journalist and Anglican minister searches for the truth behind the bluff, jargon and polemics surrounding the theory of evolution as taught in our schools and preached on our television screens.