More information on Strength in Weakness: 2 Corinthians (Welwyn Commentary Series)
J Philip Arthur
The future of the Christian cause depends to a large degree on the quality of the next generation of spiritual leaders. Where will these men find role models? To whom will they turn for inspiration? There is the ever-present danger that they will do as Paul’s rivals did in Corinth and turn to the wo... (more)
More information on Christ All Sufficient; Colossians and Philemon simply explained
J Philip Arthur
Paul, under house arrest in Rome, wrote two letters which were both sent to Colosse at the same time and by the same messenger, a man named Tychicus. The Epistle to the Colossians is packed with good things. Not a word is wasted. There was a problem in the church at Colosse, and it was this that ... (more)