Sabotaged By Shame, Now Saved From Shame. Has shame maimed you? Have you been crippled by embarrassment? Or, have you merely had to battle being ashamed and to fight the opinion of others? Shame has been found to be a root spirit that affects individuals from earliest childhood. It has also been fou... (more)
Banks, Bill
One of the most important books on healing and the healing ministry to reach the Church. From 30 years of ministering in hospitals, churches, and homes, Bill Banks explains why some people are not healed, and what they can do about it! Has Jesus changed His mind, or are there blocks to healing as a ... (more)
Barbara Baker
This work describes the causes, symptoms and treatment of depression and goes into detail about the difficulties of caring for someone who is depressed. It explores how depression affects relationships and the emotions of carers.
Barbara Shlemon Ryan
It is possible to hurt and damage the inner self. Inner healing is important for all who seek a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and with others.
Bill Banks
Powerful help for those who have been unable to lose weight! Most people really have no idea as to why they overeat, and often live in continual condemnation for not having sufficient will-power to stop. Many feel rejected or that they are unattractive. There is a solution as old as the Mi... (more)
Bill Banks
Faith-building Scriptural study and proofs of the types of faith demonstrated by Jesus in His earthly Ministry of Healing. Learn more about Seeking Faith, Obtaining Faith, Having Faith for Others, Ministry Faith, Elder or Body Faith, Mercy & Grace And Their Role In Miracle Healings, The Perseverance... (more)
Bill Radmall
Cut the power of addiction at the roots, never to rise again
People become addicted – to alcohol, sex, drugs, gambling – often because they are seeking to escape from terrible inner pain.
Addictions of many kinds are widespread today – especially to pornography and gambling, with the ease of a... (more)