Good Book Guide: Exploring the Main Themes of the Bible
Roger M Crooks
To influence and combat our society's morals and beliefs we need to be educated about the Bible and its doctrines--the framework of the Christian faith. This book is a wonderful introduction, with practical applications and helpful illustrations, showing where the major points of Christian teaching appear and how they come together to make historic, biblical Christianity. Prepared for the new Christian, it still makes invigorating reading for us all.

A spiritual traveller will not go far today without being offered these pearls of wisdom. Do these pearls have any value? What is the Christian to make of them? And what does the Bible say about them? If we are to be consisent, if we really believe what we say we believe, then we have to get to grips with our faith: what it actually is and what it means for our lives. As we look at our society's morals and its beliefs we can see that to combat its influence we need to be educated in the Bible and doctrine - the framework of the Christian faith. This book is a wonderful introduction, with practical applications and helpful illustrations. You will discover where the major points of Christian teaching appear in the Bible, and how these themes come together to make historic, biblical Christanity. Prepared for the new Christian, it still makes invigorating reading for us all.
Publisher 12/07/2004

ISBN: 9781857925340
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: CHRISTIAN FOCUS - published 15/09/2003
Format: Paperback  
