Martin's Last Chance
Schmidt , Heidi
Inspiring Christian biographies for readers ages 8-12

"A story deserving to be told to a new generation." The Prime Minister; The t. Hon. Tony Blair M.P."No! No!"cried the little boy, "Please no! I want to stay with my Mother!""Be quiet!"shouted the man who had roughly pulled his mother from him. She was taken to a raised platform and offered for sale immediately. The heart-broken mother was to be separated from her little boy for the rest of her life. . .This was the fate of thousands of women and children in the days before slavery was abolished. One man fought to bring freedom and relief from the terrors of the slave trade; it took him forty0-five years. His name was William Wilberforce.His exciting story shows the amazing effect his faith in Christ and his love for people had on transforming a nation.Includes:Thinking Further Topicsand Prayer Diary
Publisher 09/23/2002

"No! No!" cried the little boy, "Please no! I want to stay with my Mother!"
"Be quiet!" shouted the man who had roughly pulled his mother from him. She was taken to a raised platform and offered for sale immediately. The heart-broken mother was to be separated from her little boy for the rest of her life. . .
This was the fate of thousands of women and children in the days before slavery was abolished. One man fought to bring freedom and relief from the terrors of the slave trade; it took him forty0-five years. His name was William Wilberforce.
His exciting story shows the amazing effect his faith in Christ and his love for people had on transforming a nation.
Publisher 12/07/2004

ISBN: 9781857924251
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: CHRISTIAN FOCUS - published N/A
Format: Paperback  
