A Man After God's Own Heart
R T Kendall
David was Israel's greatest king, but God was more interested in his soul. He was someone with whom God chose to share his heart. God confided in him. This book will help you discover what such a relationship is like. 512 pages, from CFP.

Twice God says that in King David he has found "a man after my own heart (1st Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22). God was personally involved with David, there was something about him which he really liked. David was a sensitive man, a man with deep feelings, he was a poet and musician but he was also Israel's greatest King and one of the greatest ever military leaders. But these things seem to matter less to God than the soul of the man. David wrote "the Lord confides in those who fear him" (Psalm 25:14), it is a great honour to have someone confide in you--but to think that God would confide in a human being is amazing! David was someone with whom God chose to share his heart. If you wish to know what it is like to be confided in by God--to become a man after God's own heart too--then this book will help you discover what such a relationship is like.
Publisher 12/07/2004

ISBN: 9781857923827
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: CHRISTIAN FOCUS - published N/A
Format: Hardback  
