John Bunyan The People's Pilgrim
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John Bunyan The People's Pilgrim
Peter Morden
In the attractive style of Peter Morden's previous book about CH Spurgeon, this equally informative and challenging book is about John Bunyan, a remarkable man, who whilst imprisoned for refusing to stop preaching, wrote his famous and classic book The Pilgrim's Progress - the world's second most printed book.
Bunyan came from a very ordinary background but he harnessed his gifts to become a preacher of such power that towards the end of his life thousands flocked to hear him. Yet his most powerful legacy is his writing: The Pilgrim's Progress has inspired thousands of Christians through the years and has become a classic in the world of literature.

Peter Morden has written a lively, engaging and accessible account of this great man's life, providing plenty of historical context and bringing Bunyan's trials and triumphs alive.

ISBN: 9781853458361
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: CWR - published 01/02/2013
Format: Paperback  

List price £9.99  Our price £7.99