Can I Really Know Fulfillment
Selwyn Hughes
This series from Selwyn Hughes offers intelligent, honest perspectives on life, faith and God for those in search of answers to life?s big questions.
'Is happiness really possible?' 'Why won't the pain go away?' 'Doesn't death end it all?' and what is the answer?' Here are clear answers to pivotal questions.

Personal and professional success, physical health, great wealth, popularity and even fame - all achievalbe goals in today's world. Yet can any, or even all of them together, lead to fulfilment? Real joy and true peace are not determined by circumstances, they are not a result of your efforts or talent. At the core of our being is a deep thirst that only God can satisfy

ISBN: 9781853452352
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: CWR* - published N/A
Format: Paperback  
