They Shall Not Grow Old
Brian Elliott
Liturgies for remembrance. This book contains a range of services and resources developed by army chaplains for a comprehensive range of occasions and needs:

A simple act of remembrance
A formal ceremony at a war memorial
A service for Remembrance Sunday
A veterans' service
A Remembrance service with a Eucharist
A parade service
A funeral service for a member of the armed forces and other related occasions that all clergy may be asked to conduct.

No formal denominational services exist for these occasions and so this fills a real gap.

As well as complete services, it contains a wide range of greetings, biddings, opening prayers, confessions, intercessions, litanies, blessings as well as Bible readings printed out in full, so that clergy and chaplains may create customized services according to local need.

Brian Elliot is an army chaplain and liturgical adviser to the Royal Army Chaplains Department


ISBN: 9781853117381
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: CANTERBURY PRESS - published 15/10/2006
Format: Hardback  
