101 Reasons To Get Up In The Morning
Julie Tanner
When Andy Gard, a family friend of Julie Tanner. died at 17, his young friend decided to do something for CRY, the charity that works to prevent sudden heart failure in the young. 400 young people die each year in the UK, many while playing sport. It is the biggest killer for under 35s. The remarkable Julie has collected inspirational quotes from a glittering array of celebrities. Here you can discover who turns to Winnie the Pooh when the going gets tough, nwhat Boris Johnson's grandma said to him, why cabbages are important to Tanni Grey Thompson, why nothing is impossible for Terry Wogan. There are many more celebrity secrets

ISBN: 9781853116735
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: CANTERBURY PRESS - published 15/11/2005
Format: N/A  
