Others: The Insistent Challenge to the Reluctant Church
This is ultimately a book of great encouragement.
Using this book of Jonah, this challenges the church to reach into the world, a challenge we have frequently avoided.

In the last years of his life William Booth sent a telegram around the world, to encourage his Christian soldiers, containing one word: Others.

'Others' challenges us to build a church that constantly seeks to live for others. Drawing on Jonah's life, Chick shows that intimacy with God and involvement with others are inextricably bound, and that refusing to love and serve other people is to ignore God.

Those who are willing to accept its challenge and journey beyond their comfort zones to engage with a culture in desperate need will find it an essential route map.

ISBN: 9781850787570
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: AUTHENTIC MEDIA - published 15/06/2007
Format: Paperback  
