What is God?
Robert Reymond
God has been downgraded!

The God of the Bible is not recognisable from many church statements. In fact across great swathes of Christendom you would be forgiven for thinking that God was limited, primitive and unenlightened compared to the completeness of understanding of
those claiming to speak for him.

The God of the Bible is not recognisable from many scientific announcements. In fact most of science today has managed to box itself into a self-limiting corner. Science, they say, can only be the most plausible naturalistic or materialistic explanation of how things work - thus ignoring the possibilities open to previous generations of groundbreaking scientific endeavour.

The God of the Bible is not recognised from many media pronouncements where religion is only news so long as someone is using God to promote their campaign – or war.

So – is it surprising that many people do not know who God is? The apostle Paul said that it was pointless trying to prove God’s existence because everybody, on some level, knew that already
(even atheists!). The more important question for people is ‘What is God’.

This is the question that Robert Reymond seeks to answer.

ISBN: 9781845502287
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: CHRISTIAN FOCUS - published 15/01/2007
Format: Paperback  
