Thinking Biblically about Climate Change
Richard Bull
Climate change is now widely regarded as the most significant challenge facing planet earth and the human race. The recently published ‘Stern Report’ made headlines around the word with its stark predictions of both the environmental and economic cost of Climate change. As Christians we are called to live in the world that is being affected by climate-change, so what should our responses be? Does the Genisis mandate to be good stewards of God’s earth mean that Christians should be in the for front of moves to reduce and reverse the earth’s climate? Or does the Biblical promise of a new heaven and a new earth mean that present earth isn’t worth saving? Is there any reason to believe that Jesus cared about the environment, or does his cursing of the fig tree reveal him to be content to abuse the earth in order to make a theological point?.

In this Connect booklet Richard Bull outlines the key facts about climate change and invites readers to explore a variety of Biblical texts from Genisis to Revelation.


Having used studies from the Connect Series many times and found them to be very good, this one is not in the same league. In my opinion it's not really home material. - Very disappointed.
by Philip Spiller

ISBN: 9781844272792
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: SCRIPTURE UNION - published 15/03/2007
Format: Paperback  
