100 Multi Sensory Worship Ideas for Children
Irene Smale
100 practical activities for children’s and family ministry.

Worship and singing are often used synonymously, but this book looks at how we can worship using all our senses. Divided into five sections - see, hear, smell, touch and taste - Irene provides activities that can be used in a variety of settings. Each of the 100 ideas has alternatives that are better suited for an activity time or for inclusion in a more traditional style of service and each also has an accompanying prayer and song suggestion (some written especially for this book by Ishmael).

Irene Smale is the wife of children’s song-writer and worship leader Ishmael. Together they have a vast experience of leading all-age and children’s ministry events around the UK and overseas. Irene is the Diocesan Children’s Officer for Chichester and is working on a doctoral thesis on childhood.

ISBN: 9781842913925
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: KINGSWAY - published 14/07/2009
Format: Paperback  
