Holding Nothing Back
Tim Hughes
How should we worship God, the One who exists in and for himself, unchanging, eternal, everywhere, and beyond our powers of description?

Tim Hughes finds answers in scritpure, in creation, and in the pains and struggles of humanity. The goal? A life of full-on worship, where joy makes space for lamentation, and anger keeps close to humility.

This book provokes us to worship God wholeheartedly – with all of our heart, mind and strength, giving everything we are in worship. Tim also writes on the themes of creativity, humility, adoration and the greatness of God.

God held nothing back for us - can we do less?

'Let's heed Tim's call to is to cultivate worshipping lifestyles that are secure in the sovereignty of a mighty God and the love that allows us to open our hearts before him.' David Ruis

ISBN: 9781842913529
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: KINGSWAY - published 15/07/2007
Format: Paperback  
