Case for Angels, The
Peter Williams
Do angels really exist, or are they merely literary and figurative devices on the page? What kind of creatures are angels supposed to be? Is their existence even possible and, if so, how do we know whether they actually exist?

Employs the resources of contemporary philosophy in defence of a traditional Christian angelology. In discussion with naturalistic sceptism, New Age belief and Christian doubt, Williams highlights the importance of worldview presuppositions in determining attitudes towards angels, and enlarges upon the 'culture' war emerging between theism and metaphysical naturalism.

Peter S. William employs the resources of contemporary philosophy in defence of a traditional Christian angelology. In discussion with naturalistic sceptism, New Age belief and Christian doubt, Williams highlights the importance of worldview presuppositions in determining attitudes towards angels, and enlarges upon the 'culture' war emerging between theism and metaphysical naturalism.

ISBN: 9781842271698
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: PATERNOSTER PRESS - published N/A
Format: Paperback  
