Clones: The Clowns Of Technology?
Jones, Gareth
Since 'Dolly the sheep' hit the headlines in 1997, cloning has been equated with human reproductive cloning. Everywhere we look we see pictures of identical babies, identical tyrants and identical heroes, as though this is what human cloning will amount to. This duplication motif has dominated discussions so that national leaders, parliaments and government committees have been carried away on a tide of fear and resentment. This book aims to place cloning in a more realistic setting.

Since 'Dolly the sheep' hit the headlines in 1997, cloning has been equated with human reproductive cloning. Everywhere we look we see pictures of identical babies, identical tyrants and identical heroes, as though this is what human cloning will amount to. This duplication motif has dominated discussions so that national leaders, parliaments and government committees have been carried away on a tide of fear and resentment. This book aims to place cloning in a more realistic setting. Writing from the perspective of a Christian biologist and anatomist, Gareth Jones sees cloning as a parable which can tell us a great deal about human expectations and aspirations, our world-view and how we live our lives. He confronts us with real challenges, and as he works through the issues with us we may be surprised - sometimes uncomfortably so - at the conclusions to which he brings us.

ISBN: 9781842270868
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: PATERNOSTER PRESS - published N/A
Format: Paperback  
