Deep Calls to Deep
Tony Horsfall
For many people the book of Psalms is their favourite part of the Bible, not because the psalms are necessarily easy to read, but because of the honest way in which they portray life with God.

In these songs of ancient Israel we encounter faith and despair, confidence and uncertainty, thanksgiving and complaint. Every human emotion is displayed here from the highest joy to the deepest sorrow. They reflect moments of courageous trust and miraculous deliverance alongside times of bewildering darkness and apparent abandonment. These songs of faith, written by a variety of individuals over the course of Israel's history, present us with an authentic portrayal of what it means to be a believer and to walk with God in the midst of the realities of life.

It is because of this that the Psalms can become a handbook on spiritual formation for us. As we glimpse the spiritual journey and inner life of the writers, we are enabled to understand better our own journeys with God. Here too we find words to use in prayer and worship as we too respond to the living God. The book of Psalms can inform our minds, direct our emotions, strengthen our wills and shape our behaviours.

ISBN: 9781841017310
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: BRF - published 01/02/2015
Format: Paperback  
