When You Walk (Revised and Expanded Edition)
Adrian Plass
365 readings for ordinary followers of Jesus who sometimes find the going a bit tough.

When You Walk is a rich collection of warm, highly individualistic, sometimes refreshingly maverick responses to familiar and not so familiar passages, that Adrian Plass has contributed to BRF's New Daylight Bible reading notes over the years.

The material, organised by Adrian himself, includes a new and substantial preface to each of the sections in the book. Section headings include:

Getting Lost
Theory and Practice
Story power
Heading for Heaven
New Beginnings

Laughter and tears abound in this book. The writer offers nothing less than the fruits of his own vulnerability in the hope that we, his readers, will be equally willing to react honestly, thus transforming our relationship with the Bible, and especially with those verses that have, in a sense, become invisible, because we have never given ourselves permission to look clearly at the way they make us feel.

There is no doubt that such a process will also transform our relationship with God.

Join Adrian for the walk. We know it can be very tough, but no-one has to do it alone.

Adrian Plass is an internationally acclaimed writer and speaker. He has written many books, including The Unlocking and Blind Spots in the Bible for BRF, Jesus:
Safe, Tender, Extreme (Zondervan, 2006) and contributes to New Daylight Bible reading notes. He also features as presenter on the DVD for Foundations21, BRF's multi-media discipleship resource.

ISBN: 9781841015316
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: BRF - published 15/09/2007
Format: Paperback  
