There's a Catch In It, and Other Stories from the Bible
Brian Ogden
We all enjoy receiving letters and the children in Mr Green's class at Daisy Hill School are no exception. However, the letters they write and receive are a little different. The children correspond with some of the major Biblical figures, and, through the letters, begin to understand and associate with the events and personalities involved. This book intruduces the story of Peter. First we meet him as a fisherman on the Lake of Galilee, next we see how he did the one thing he thought he never would do - and finds forgiveness over breakfast on the beach. Finally, we learn how Peter told others about Jesus, and hear of his escape from Prison. Alongside his story we meet two heroes of the Old Testament, Moses and Joshua, and follow their adventures from Egypt to the Promised Land.

ISBN: 9781841010977
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: BRF - published 15/11/2003
Format: Paperback  
