Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine Second Edition
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Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine Second Edition
Wayne Grudem
Revised, updated and expanded second edition. Wayne Grudem believes that 'theology is meant to be lived and prayed and sung' - but before this can happen, it must be understood. In this best-selling textbook, each chapter begins with a clear definition of the doctrine under consideration and moves on to a thorough exposition of its basis in Scripture. Then follow questions for personal application which help to bring out the relevance of the doctrine to the life of the individual and the church; and finally, a hymn or song suitable for corporate use or personal meditation. Controversial issues such as the baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit, male-female roles in marriage and church, and the nature of final judgment are given a full treatment. Where he differs from other theologians, Professor Grudem is firm but courteous. Wayne Grudem's warm, pastoral and practical approach to systematic theology has been widely appreciated. He demonstrates on page after page how important biblical doctrine is both for the spiritual health of the individual and for the well-being of the church at large

ISBN: 9781789742084
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: IVP* - published 01/11/2020
Format: Hardback  

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