The Unfailing Love of Jesus
R T Kendall
In The Unfailing Love of Jesus, R. T. Kendall tackles these questions headon, identifying ten specific circumstances we face when it is difficult to believe that God is working. As he takes you through Jesus' response to Mary and Martha when their brother died, you will discover the hidden ways God works during life's toughest situations.

Does Jesus care? Yes. That is the answer, and it is the correct one. We make a hasty conclusion, not to mention the wrong one, if we say that He does not care. The Unfailing Love of Jesus will show not only that He cares but also that He cares more deeply and painstakingly than you or I can begin to imagine.

ISBN: 9781599792286
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: SILOAM - published 15/05/2008
Format: Paperback  
