Caught Between a Dream and a Job
Delatorro McNeal II
Delatorro McNeal wants to help you move from "working to pay bills" to a life of significance, meaning, and excitement; a life of hope and expectation. Through the interactive questions and activities, motivating quotes, conversational writing style, and realistic and doable transition strategies, Caught Between a Dream and a Job will help you discover and manifest all that is possible for you as you learn to: Define true success for yourself, and design your life on your terms, Frame your work around your life-instead of the other way around, Become the person that you have always wanted to be by connecting your purpose to your profession and taking the entrepreneurial leap of faith, Systematically move from job living to dream living, Do what you love to do-and get paid to do it. Your life's work was never meant to be just a job. You are a powerful, creative, innovative, blessed, uniquely special individual with tremendous gifts, talents, abilities, and skills that were designed to solve problems and transform lives in this world.

ISBN: 9781599792170
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: SILOAM - published 01/03/2008
Format: Hardback  
