Holding Heaven
Jerry Jenkins
Storyteller Jerry B. Jenkins and biblical artist Ron DiCianni transport you to the hardscrabble Middle East of the first century where you eavesdrop on interaction between a father and a son so profound that it will forever change how you view the Incarnation.
Imagine two conversations, 30 years apart, between the most celebrated person in history, Jesus, and his earthly father, Joseph. In the first, the father tells the son the details of his birth. God has invaded earth in the most unlikely place and under the most unusual of circumstances. In the second, the son tells the father – now on his deathbed – what is to come. Miracles will turn many from darkness to light. Yet how painful for the father to learn what the enemy will do with the very raw materials with which he has fashioned his living. An instant classic, Holding Heaven will stir your soul afresh with each turn into its endearing pages.

ISBN: 9781591452188
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: JOINING THE DOTS - published 15/11/2005
Format: Hardback  
