Great Work Of The Gospel
John Ensor
How can God forgive what I've done? What motivates God's forgiveness? If God is just of condemn, how can He be just to forgive? These questions are just a drop in the barrel of all those raised by God's Great Work of forgiveness. For many of us, there comes a time in our lives when we want to know God's grace. We grow tired of sinful living, wanting to be released from its grips and cleansed of our wrongdoings. But for some people, the gospel message of Christ's atoning sacrifice sounds too good to be true. Forgiveness is God's Great Work because sin is the greatest of problems, the cross is the most excellent of solutions, and grace produces the most extreme changes. It is all-inclusive and everlasting. In this book, John Ensor helps us grasp the reality and human experience of God's ongoing, outworking, wonderful grace.

ISBN: 9781581347739
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: CROSSWAY BOOKS - published 15/06/2006
Format: Paperback  
