Greater Than: Unconventional Thoughts on the Infinite God
Mark Tabb
God, Question Marks, and Holding On We know that God is greater than we can ever imagine. But what does that mean? Why is God so complicated? In this "undevotional" for students, award-winning author Mark Tabb isn't afraid to ask tough questions because he knows God never flinches. With forty powerful meditations, Mark challenges you to lay it all on the line as you get to know an infinite God. He dares you to grapple with life's complexity and, at the same time, allow yourself to be wowed by the Creator of the universe. Take time each day to come up with your own thoughts about God. You will find that God really is greater than you can imagine--and maybe that's just one more reason to trust Him with everything you are.

ISBN: 9781576836064
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: NAVPRESS - published 15/03/2005
Format: Paperback  
