Postmodern Christianity
John W Riggs
In Postmodern Christianity, John Riggs proposes that postmodernism and Christianity have much to offer each other. Each should take the other seriously, he writes, affirming the other's position but avoiding complete acceptance or rejection.
On the one hand, he argues, we should take seriously the postmodern challenge to the traditional view of God as omnipotent controller - one who directs the world to its predetermined end according to "his" divine purpose. On the other hand, there is merit in challenging the postmodern view that no universal claims can be made irrespective of context and that no particular claims can be made about what is good or true.

Riggs argues for a common ground between postmodernism and Christianity, focusing on how this applies to issues such as reproductive rights and the ordination of women, gay men, and lesbians. He suggests that Christianity avoid the extreme positions of either completely accommodating itself to or completely rejecting postmodern culture.

ISBN: 9781563383649
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: CONTINUUM INTERNATIONAL - published 15/04/2003
Format: Paperback  
