Why Jesus Is Good News - The Gospel Of Mark And The Coming Of God
Perry, David
The God of the Bible is a God on the move. He "comes down" to rescue Israel from Egypt. He "goes before" His people in the wilderness. And He "comes" to the exiles in Babylon, to restore them to their land—and to Himself.

David Perry argues that the coming of God is the backdrop to the book of Mark. Mark begins his gospel with Isaiah’s announcement of God coming to restore His people: “Prepare the way of the Lord.”” Then, throughout his narrative, Mark opens scene after scene with the coming of Jesus: Jesus comes to the Jordan, He enters a house, He comes to Jerusalem, He enters the temple. These "arrival references," the author contends, are more than incidental details. They are the key to the story, highlighting Jesus’ arrivals as the unfolding fulfillment of God’s arrival. And like God coming to the exiles, Jesus comes to restore: He heals the sick, He teaches righteousness, He cleanses the temple, He dies for sinners, and He rises again. He is the coming of God for the restoration of His people—and for all peoples. And that is why He is good news.

ISBN: 9781553063322
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: ESSENCE PUBLISHING - published 15/04/2002
Format: Paperback  
