Silenced (Underground Zealot)
Jerry Jenkins
Enter the continuing story of double agent Paul Stepola as he works to protect his fellow believers from the government that is trying to eliminate them. The underground church is in mortal peril following the apocalyptic events in Los Angeles, which have only cast further suspicion upon Christians. Meanwhile, Paul struggles with how to tell his family about his newfound faith without raising the suspicions of his ruthless father-in-law. A gripping futuristic thriller that will keep you glued to the page.

“ . . . by signing this document and having it on public record, thus: ‘Under penalty of life imprisonment, or death in extreme cases, I hereby pledge that I personally support the global ban on the practice of religion.’”

In the name of peace, the world is forced to take sides.

National Peace Organization operative Paul Stepola walks a dangerous tightrope as a double agent—a new believer assigned to enforce the ban on religion. Three major cities have been attacked by terrorists and thousands have died, all in the name of God. Paul must somehow find a way to expose the source of the terrorism without endangering fellow believers. And with his unbelieving wife’s powerful connections, Paul faces danger on every front.

In the face of persecution the seeds of faith grow stronger. The underground church prays for a miracle of global proportions—not seen since the time of Moses.

In a world where madmen rule . . . The voice of God will not be SILENCED.

ISBN: 9781414302836
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: TYNDALE HOUSE - published 10/11/2004
Format: Paperback  
