Thor Conspiracy, The
Larry Burkett
It begins in the 1960s-an unimaginable series of political machinations leading to one act of greed and destruction after another, until in the twenty-first century, the world faces a single, global dictator. Behind the takeover is an odd, yet frighteningly effective, alliance of international governments and inner-city gangs.

Lining up against the tyrannical forces are three men, each committed to exposing the fifty-year-old conspiracy, and together capable of mounting an undeniably formidable resistance. If they succeed, the world has a chance. If they fail, the world is doomed to the prospect of a "Fourth Reich." The key to the world's future is The Thor Conspiracy.

ISBN: 9781404185685
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: THOMAS NELSON - published 15/06/2005
Format: Paperback  
