NT:sport - The Word of God for the World of Sport NLT
Currently 45% of adults and 87% of young people participate in sport. How do we engage in this massive culture shaping arena?

How do we bring the Book of God to their world and in their language?

nt:sport, a sports Bible (New Testament) for sports people - another tool Christians can use - 'Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone so that I may bring them to Christ.' (NLT) 1 Corinthians 9:22


Monthly action plans.

Commentary for sports people.

Packed with images that engage and encourage faith.

Personal assessments.

Valuable 'tips' to improve performance.

Clearly written in the New Living Translation.

Coaching for life.

This A4-sized New Testament is packed full of helpful information that points to the Word of God. Produced by former professional American football player Rev. Steve Connor of Sport Outreach Scotland and by the Scottish Bible Society.

If sport is your mission, this is your game plan!

ISBN: 9780901518453
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: SCOTTISH BIBLE SOCIETY - published 27/09/2004
Format: Paperback  
