Charles Finney on Faith
Charles Finney
Faith That Works MiraclesThere are people in the world who completely trust God in all things. They have assurance, confidence, joy, and peace. They are our inspiration, our mentors, our role models. We want to be like them, but we don't know how to achieve that level of faith.With his insightful wisdom and scriptural teaching, Charles Finney will challenge you in your Christian walk. Together you will discover the various roles of Christ. Christ can be your everything--your Provider, Friend, Protector, Hope, and Life. You can find salvation, healing, peace, and power. As you begin the pursuit of knowing Christ fully and intimately, you will become more like Him and find victory in your life.

ISBN: 9780883688472
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: WHITAKER HOUSE - published 15/09/2002
Format: Paperback  
