Romans (New International Bible Commentary)
Edwards, James
Martin Luther called Romans the clearest gospel of all. But centuries of interpretive tradition and dogma have muddied the waters! Edwards's careful exposition pays attention to literary detail and historical context to clarify the epistles significance for its original readers and for the church today. The NIBC format (section-by-section exposition of the NIV, all Greek transliterated, and separate textual and technical notes) make this commentary ideal for laypeople and pastors.

Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Binding: paper
Pages: 416
Pub Date: 1992
Volumes in Series: 18

Author Bio
James R. Edwards is Professor of Religion at Jamestown College. Besides being a frequent contributor to scholarly journals, he is also co-author of The Layman's Overview of the Bible.


"James Edwards . . . has written the commentary I have been looking for: an exposition of the English text of Romans that takes account of the latest scholarship, refuses to duck the tough theological questions that keep popping up in Romans, and communicates in uncluttered English and effective illustrations. . . ."
—Critical Review of Books in Religion

ISBN: 9780853646600
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: PATERNOSTER PRESS - published N/A
Format: N/A  
