Keeping a Princess Heart
Nicole Johnson
Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty. Every little girl grew up hearing the stories of "happily ever after," but is that the world in which she exists today?
Living in this not-so-fairy-tale world, you are torn between everything you longed for and everything you live with. You wonder how your heart will survive, because what you have isn't even close to what you hoped for. Hang on! Real hope is found in the tension between the two-in an invisible kingdom. This place is where you discover the true heart of a princess-one full of dreams, wonder, delight, and joy. And you learn to keep it alive, even in the midst of this crazy, disappointed, hard-to-understand world.

ISBN: 9780849917882
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: THOMAS NELSON - published 15/06/2003
Format: Hardback  
