Beginner's Guide To Crossing Cultures, A
Lane, Patty
America has always been termed a melting pot, but no period in time has approached the current numbers of international travelers and immigrants. In this time of transition to a more multicultural society, it's natural to want not only to build relationships with others, but to di it in a mutually friendly way. Author Patty Lane expounds upon the different worldviews and mindset of "being" and "doing" cultures, explaining how our worldviews allow us to value different things, often causing miscommunication. She explains how promptness and direct conversation may be seen as commendable or rude depending on which culture you're from. Learn to understand and even appreciate situations such as these, as you start learning how to navigate the waters of culture. 206 pages, softcover.

ISBN: 9780830823468
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: IVP (USA) - published 27/09/2002
Format: Paperback  
