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A Call To Act
Natalie Williams & Martin Charlesworth
A practical tool for individual, churches, and small groups, and incorporating discussion questions and accompanying videos, A Call to Act demonstrates that, in order to engage with poverty and need, we must re-evaluate our own attitudes and adopt a poverty-busting lifestyle. There are undoubted challenges to embracing a life of simplicity but these are broken down into ideas for action. Whether getting up close to poverty, rejecting comfort in favour of compassion, or living with a more poverty-focused lifestyle, churches and individuals will be empowered to live out Jesus’ principles of justice, mercy, and the care of creation within their own communities and the wider world. “Too often, Christians have used our faith as a ticket into heaven and a license to ignore the broken world we live in. We have promised a hurting world that there is life after death, while so many are wondering if there is life before death. In this book, Natalie and Martin invite you into a faith that is not just about going to heaven when you die, but bringing heaven to earth while you live. This is an invitation to join the revolution of Jesus. After all, Jesus did not come to help us escape the world; he came to help us transform this world. Read this manifesto of justice, and let the revolution begin inside of you. May your life be good news to the poor.” Shane Claiborne, author, speaker, activist, and co-founder of Red Letter Christians

ISBN: 9780830780686
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: David Cook - published 01/09/2020
Format: Paperback  

List price £11.99  Our price £10.99