Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness
Jerry Cook
How Can the Church Be a Healing Force in the World? As Christians, we need to understand who the church should be in this hurting world: people who are redeemed, filled with the Holy Spirit and equipped to serve to meet needs everywhere in Jesus' name. That concept of the church will affect everything from the way the pastor preaches to the way the building is designed. It will direct the church away from the "professionals" and into the hands of laypeople. And as these laypeople step into roles of service and admit their own brokenness, they wil find that they can love, accept and forgive those who are hurting around them and put out the "welcome mat" in their community. Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness is a book full of hope and help for everyone- pastors, homemakers, taxi drivers, executives, blue collar, white collar, no collar- who wants to adopt a vision for individual ministry in the church.

As a young leader, Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness helped to fashion the foundation of my perspective of life and ministry. This heralded work remains a must-read for every emerging leader and every avid student of life. Wayne Cordeiro, New Hope Christian Fellowship, Oahu, Hawaii

Jerry Cook's word is a boon to a wonderful renewal that is awakening true New Testament discipleship today. He points to not only Bible study (which is needed) but also cultivating the local Body for ministry impact in the community and marketplace. Jack W. Hayford, President, The Foursquare Church Chancellor, The King's College and Seminary, Los Angeles, California

ISBN: 9780830747535
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: REGAL PUB - published 01/09/2009
Format: Paperback  
