A Woman's Guide to Spiritual Warfare
Quin Sherrer / Ruthanne Garlock
There is a spiritual war going on, and God has given women a key position on the battlefront. Women everywhere face battles that threaten to overwhelm them and those they love: A son’s drug addiction. A daughter’s abortion. A husband’s failed business. A friend’s adulterous affair. Depression. Fear. Illness. A Woman’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare offers biblical and practical steps any woman can follow to take her place in battle with confidence, and to overcome the forces of evil in the power and authority of the risen Christ. Readers will learn how to break cycles of bondage in their families, to make their homes places of refuge from spiritual attack and to fight for the health of their marriage, all through the power of prayer. Women have a special calling in the ongoing war, and A Woman’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare is the field guide for every wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend who is ready to take up her position on the front lines.

ISBN: 9780830747481
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: REGAL PUB - published 19/07/2010
Format: Paperback  
