Recreate: Study Guide
Ron Luce
You see it every day in the sexualized brand marketing for everything from clothing to song lyrics, from TV and magazines to video games and websites. Today’s pop culture machine is insatiable for increasingly more market share, regardless of what (or who) it destroys. It’s a fact that we are in a war for the hearts and minds of this young generation— and that includes your own children. It will take all of us to win the war. So buckle on some “body armor” and lob back a few missiles at the enemy. You as a parent are in the prime position to make sure your child does not become just another casualty in this war of ideas. In tandem with Ron Luce’s book ReCreate, this workbook will help you create a dynamic six-week study for small-group discussion. You will be encouraged and equipped as you meet weekly with other parents to strategize how to protect your family in the midst of a raging cultural war.

ISBN: 9780830746385
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: REGAL PUB - published 09/01/2008
Format: Paperback  
