What Is God Waiting For?
Marlinda Ireland
In a world of fast-food meals, high-speed Internet and quick solutions, waiting is tough. Sometimes, if we don’t get a quick answer to our problems—wanting a child, a mate, a new job, a house–we feel stuck. Where is God? Has he forgotten us? No, says Marlinda Ireland, God has not forgotten! We may be caught in a “divine delay,” a time of waiting which holds a purpose and is an opportunity to learn enduring lessons. Learn from the biblical stories of men and women who persevered in waiting for God and discover four primary causes of delayed answers to prayer. Then, learn three secrets that help readers mature during a “heavenly holding pattern.” Ireland shows how to value a time of waiting for what is desired, and offers encouragement and confidence in God’s all-knowing love. Step-by-step, through sound biblical principles, she lifts readers out of their frustrations into a renewed passion for the future.

ISBN: 9780830739110
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: REGAL PUB - published 07/08/2006
Format: Paperback  
