Patnering with Parents in Youth Ministry
Jim Burns / Mike DeVries
The most powerful force in a young person's life is his family. That's why youth experts Jim Burns and Mike DeVries have written this book, which provides youth workers with everything they need to partner with parents to help them disciple their own children. This fresh approach to youth ministry has biblical roots in Deuteronomy 6:4-9, where believers are mandated to pass their family's faith legacy to the next generations. This book helps youth workers understand their unique role in helping families succeed. It provides an overview of family-based youth ministry which focuses on equipping, encouraging and networking youth workers and parents so they can nurture the spiritual growth of their children. It's also packed with practical ideas--devotion, discussion starters, small-group parenting curriculum, family retreats, parent retreats, games, forums and more--to help youth workers implement this awesome ministry in their church. This is a breakthrough book that will guide youth workers as they reach parents and their children with the message of Christ's love and grace!

ISBN: 9780830732296
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: REGAL PUB - published 15/11/2003
Format: Paperback  
