A Heart in My Head: A Biography of Richard Harries
John S Peart-Binns
An assessment of Richard Harries as priest and bishop, art historian, man of social conscience and, above all, leader, in the context of an evolving Anglican Communion. 'Throughout his life, ministry and episcopate, Harries has explored the reasonableness of Christianity. He has not abandoned orthodox belief to fit the current climate, and presents a mature vision of Christian faith which can meet contemporary criticism.' John Peart-Binns brings his wealth of experience to bear on this new biography, drawing on his own insights as well as those of a wide selection of people who have known and worked with Richard Harries. The result is an intriguing portrait which will surprise as well as inform those who are already admirers and others who perhaps are not.

ISBN: 9780826481542
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: CROSSROAD/CONTINUUM PUB G - published 06/03/2007
Format: Hardback  
