8 Steps to Positive Living
Dr Frank Freed
Find the freedom and fulfillment God intends for you! Dr. Frank Freed, an ordained minister and seasoned therapist, gives you the tools you need to change your circumstances by changing yourself. Each of the eight steps presented in this book is a call to positive action that will lead to meaningful change in your life. Make today the day that positive things start to happen when you take control of your past, present and future: Think differently. Replace fear with faith. Release your anger. Give love to receive love. And so much more!

8 Steps to Positive Living is a straightforward book that includes a hostility checklist" to measure your attitude, an intimacy quiz to size up your relationships, and "take action" sections for you to begin applying your new knowledge right away. Dr. Freed makes the daunting challenge of changing your life exhilarating and attainable, with real-life examples from his years of counseling that bring spiritual principles alive. Don't let past setbacks and disappointments hold you back any longer. The path to change is truly within your grasp!

ISBN: 9780824947279
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: IDEALS BOOKS - published 01/01/2010
Format: Paperback  
