Anthropological Insight For Mission
Hiebert, Paul G
This book is divided into 4 different parts:

Part 1: The Gospel and Human Cultures Part 2:Cultural Differences and the Missionary Part 3: Cultural Differences and the Message Part 4: Cultural Differences and the Bicultural Community

Much of the anthropological information could be applied to living at home, or abroad. The key to using cultural anthropology as a missionary is to better understand how humans function culturally in order to provide a more efficiant way to communicate with them, which is exactly what the Christian missionary wants to do. The reader will gain a better appreciation for the job of the missionary, be more culturally sensitive, and have a better overall perspective on why man behaves the way he does.

Hiebert uses illustrations from his mission stint in India which drive home the points he is trying to make academically. One thing of great importance for the missionary is the study of cultural anthropology is never a waste of time, especially when trying to minister cross-culturally.

The missionary who reads this book will be better equiped to present the gospel message in a culturally relevant way. I recommend this book to all who will work cross-culturally, be they missionary or not.

ISBN: 9780801042911
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: BAKER BOOK HOUSE - published N/A
Format: N/A  
