Lost Message Of Paul
Steve Chalke
We have misunderstood Paul, badly. We have read his words through our own set of assumptions. We need to begin with Paul’s world view, to see things the way he saw them. · What if ‘original sin’ was never part of Paul’s thinking? · What if the idea that we are saved by faith in Christ, as Luther argued, was based on a mistranslation of Paul’s words and a misunderstanding of Paul’s thinking? ‘Over the centuries,’ writes Steve Chalke, ‘the Church has repeatedly failed to communicate, or even understand, the core of Paul’s message. Although Paul has often been presented as the champion of exclusion, he was the very opposite. He was the great includer.

ISBN: 9780281079407
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: SPCK - published 20/06/2019
Format: Paperback  
